but always going in circles, I knew I'd seen the tree before...

Friday, July 21, 2006

A rare weekend

I get to play being a single girl this weekend. Well kind of... The husband is working at the truck and tractor pull, making sure everyone behaves themselves. (If not its off to jail with you!) He got a late shift of 5pm to whenever they finish up, which could be 2 to 3 in the morning. My daughter is spending tonight and tomorrow night with her grandmother, Lolly, so I have 2 nights with no child and no husband. What is a girl to do with herself? Normally, I'd go home, work, read, sleep, the normal stuff. This weekend, no way.

Today I am going to go hang out and play pool with a bunch of the guys from work. It should be a good time for all of us to get together outside the office. Tomorrow, I am going to visit my best friend from college and have dinner, watch a movie, bitch about our husbands, etc. etc.

An unusual week for me, I normally don't get so much social time, so I'm going to get as much as I possibly can.


Blogger genderist said...

Live it up!

1:23 PM


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