but always going in circles, I knew I'd seen the tree before...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Had it up to HERE

Apparently all I've been through over the last few weeks is catching up with me. Today has not been a good day. Reasons:

1. The Depo shot I got last week is messing with my head so I am both really really tired and really really irritable.
2. The reason this is bad is because I hardly ever let my ill side show. I am typically the sweetest most nicest person you could hope to find (don't believe me, ask my friends :P)
3. I just found out the mortgage payment I submitted by Credit Card through Western Union on the 6th of October, was declined by Chase Mortgage!!!! WTF!!! Now its really late, and I have late fees to pay, and they don't have 24/7 customer support!!!!!! I have to stress over this til in the morning.
4. Pretty much I'm sick of everything - work, bills, exhusbands, family, and on and on and on, and not because they have done anything in particular, its just my system has had as much as it can handle.
5. I have no one to hold me while i cry this out of my system (WHICH SUCKS!!!!!!!!)
6. I can't show this at the office because I am a manager and I can't vent about things like this anymore in the workplace (for any co-workers reading this, I will use my Jedi mind tricks to make you forget it)

Well it seems I still have a bit of my sense of humor left.

Bah, I know I'll get over this, but right now I want to rewind 6 months to when I thought my life was normal.

Maybe a good nights sleep will help....if not that then a good drunken stupor.


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