but always going in circles, I knew I'd seen the tree before...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Eye opener

My husband is a cop. More specifically a Deputy Sheriff assigned to the courthouse when court is actually in session.

I haven't worried about him being killed or anything. He spent 10 weeks at academy only coming home on the weekends, no worries from me. He's been on duty since mid-march, still no worries. I've heard about high-speed chases, men hiding in the woods, and still no worries.

Today, my first worry. They had a prisoner start a fight in the courtroom. My husband had to tackle him. For his trouble he has a huge knot or two on his head. Its the first time he's been hurt on duty. The first time I have proof he puts his life on the line every day for his job. It has shaken me.

But now, I have to push it to the back of my mind. I knew what he was getting into when we discussed wether or not he would take the job. I now have a duty as a cops wife. To support and be there for him without question because sometimes he can't tell me what happened. I can't dwell on what might happen. If I did, I would live my entire life in fear.

So, as Scarlett would say, tomorrow is another day. We'll see what it brings.

Update:Now he tells me he might have a slight concussion but that he refused to go to the hospital after the fight. I told him he should have gone, and next time, if he doesn't, i'm going to beat him. Why must men be so macho?


Blogger genderist said...

I couldn't imagine how scary that would be!! You must be a strong woman.

6:19 PM


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