but always going in circles, I knew I'd seen the tree before...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Got to love this

I just got a comment on a story I posted back in July about my Escape from Hell...otherwise known as my departure from Digital Dog Inc.

Well surprise surprise today I get the following comment "It was well known your work was sub-par. You left before you were fired, get over yourself." And of course, its signed by Anonymous.

Now I don't know who anonymous is...but here is the deal. Don't be a coward and hide behind that title. If you have something to say to me...say it to my face, and prove your claims. Right before I told Larry I was quitting...he had told me that my job wasn't in jeopardy and I would continue doing the same things in the company I always had (one of the reasons I was in favor of quitting...but anyway) and he told me more than once during the following 2 weeks that if I needed to stay longer than 2 weeks he would be more than happy to extend my notice of departure.

So who ever you are...get over YOURself.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Its Friday...and its a wonderful day....just thought I'd share :).

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Baby Story

Warning - First time Mothers probably shouldn't read this. I typed it up for a pregnancy horror story competition on another site, and since I took the time, I figured I might as well post it.

I'm one of those people who didn't know she was pregnant until she got to the hospital. I went to prom 3 days before she was born in a size 8 dress (and yes i have the pictures to prove it :) ). But that's just where the story begins...

First, I went into labor on the bus. I was in labor all day at school, because I hated dealing with our secretary at school and didn't want to have to get her to call someone for me. My boyfriend took me home and when my mom got there, he left for his Boy Scout meeting. (go ahead, laugh I know you want to ).

We get to the hospital and they ask if I might be pregnant, and since I hadn't had my period in a while (the only actual sign I had, no morning sickness, no swollen feet, etc.), I said I guess. So, they slap a fetal monitor on my and you guessed it, a heartbeat.

Well then they think I'm really premature, so they start looking for Vanderbilt's Angel Flight number, and of course, our hospital has misplaced it. Well, then they call the Vandy switchboard, and they can't find it (I mean come on, its their medflight copter and they don't have the number). Anyway, while they are looking for that number. The hospital calls in about 5 or 6 doctors all for me ( a couple of OBGYN's, pediatricians, etc). They realize that my daughter is in distress, so I'm getting IV's, cathiders (sp?) and all while being yelled at to flip back and forth from my back to my stomach.

Then came the words "Emergency C-section". Well they wheel me into the emergency room. Our hospital is small so there is no Anesthesiologist on call so one of the doctors is going to have to fill in. Right after they wheel me in, my doctor (whom I had never met before) screams, get me a God D*mn scapel I don't care if you have to pull it off the tray in the hall. She then looks at me and says sweetly "It will all be ok sweetheart" I immediately think great, I have a crazy person about to cut me open.

So they have the mask on me, but I'm not out, so I get 3 shots of Lidacain to the stomach and she starts cutting - Before I am Out. I quickly am put under and don't remember the pain (thank goodness for drugs).

When I wake up I have a 3 pound 12 ounce beautiful little girl. She is 3 weeks overdue and fully developed just underweight.

I found out I have a small wall in my uterus that kept her to one side and only allowed her to grow so much. I also had toxima and was extremely anemic. I had to have a blood transfusion and magnesium IV, and almost died twice once when I was in labor and once when my Blood pressure sky rocketed because of the toxima. I got to go home 6 days later.

My daughter is an extremely intelligent 8 year old and perfectly happy.

These are her eyes :).

Looking back I know I was in denial, if I hadn't wanted to not believe I was pregnant I probably would have seen it. But I was 17 and the mind is a very powerful thing.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Monday, January 15, 2007

Mischief is my middle name

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

"Mischief is your middle name, but your first is friend. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh."

Friday, January 12, 2007


Driving to the bank at lunch yesterday something dawned on me....I was happy. I didn't have anything weighing on the back of my mind. I didn't have this feeling of forboding that I have been carrying for a while. That thought made me even happier.

I am not saying I don't have my moments of unhappy, or stress, or panic. But my overall feeling is happy. Happy, happy, happy. I'm glad to be back to that.

The reasons for this feeling are many:

a) I have a new someone special in my life (Hi :))
b) the ex has reached a stable point in his life and therefore has quit the "I want you back" messages and
c) the holidays are OVER!!!! (now i just have to deal with the pesky credit card bills)

Now...if i could just get the sesame street theme song out of my head life would be just about perfect.