but always going in circles, I knew I'd seen the tree before...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A week later

I feel much better. Work is much much much better. I am back on track and my projects are going nicely. I got closure on my wondering whether the guy I had been seeing would or would not be trying to work things out with his wife (they were supposed to be getting divorced because she cheated on him, I thought that the divorce was a non-changing decision, I was wrong - note to self: only date guys who's divorce papers are signed, sealed and delivered)

So now what...short work at week :). Date on Friday night with what seems to be a really nice guy. I'm trying this whole online dating thing, E-Harmony, Yahoo Personals, you guys know the drill. I don't get out a lot to meet people so this works well for me, I think, well at least I hope. We'll see how it goes.

Tonight me and my daughter went to the drive in and saw Santa Claus 3. I almost feel asleep, not recommended if you are looking for an adult movie to enjoy, but if the kids want to see it, take them, they will enjoy it.

Life moves on and so do I. La La La :)


Blogger Heather in Beautiful BC said...

awwwww.....I'm so glad you are feeling better! Good luck on the date :)

1:02 AM

Blogger Heather in Beautiful BC said...

awwwww.....I'm so glad you are feeling better! Good luck on the date :)

1:03 AM


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