but always going in circles, I knew I'd seen the tree before...

Friday, August 25, 2006


Conversation between a homeless man and a business man:

Homelessman: Let me tell you something I'm not a bum, I get a government check, but I need a couple of dollars for food.

Businessman: We'll let me tell you about this place that will give you shelter and help you get back on your feet and find a job.

Homelessman: I don't need no job, I get a check, I just need something to help me out til next friday.

What did the statement "I'm not a bum" followed immediately with "I get a government check" strike me as ironic. I almost started laughing because in my mind, at that moment, they both meant the same thing.

Please don't anyone start posting about how he may be disabled, etc. Anyone moving around as well as he did, and walking 4 miles as he said he had done that morning can do some form of work if they want. He clearly didn't, he just wants to live on what the government will give him. I'm not saying all homeless people are like this, because they are not. I know that there are desperate circumstances that cause people to live on the street, and I don't think enough is done to help them. But people like this sometimes make it hard for people to want to help, because they don't want to help themselves.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What kind of mother are you?

I am a Zen MoM...

How do you do it? Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra "this too shall pass." You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world.

What kind are you...take the quiz to find out. http://www.areyouaslackermom.com/

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I wrecked my car

I hydroplaned (slowly i might add) into the guard rail. At least I was going slow so the impact didn't hurt me or my daughter, just the bumper, right finder, and the hood of my car :(. Oh well, it could have been much worse. So I am going to work from home tomorrow while I workout the details of getting my car fixed and figuring out what I am going to do for transportation until it is fixed. I think it would be a sign of the world coming to an end if even one week of my life went by without something happening.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Eye opener

My husband is a cop. More specifically a Deputy Sheriff assigned to the courthouse when court is actually in session.

I haven't worried about him being killed or anything. He spent 10 weeks at academy only coming home on the weekends, no worries from me. He's been on duty since mid-march, still no worries. I've heard about high-speed chases, men hiding in the woods, and still no worries.

Today, my first worry. They had a prisoner start a fight in the courtroom. My husband had to tackle him. For his trouble he has a huge knot or two on his head. Its the first time he's been hurt on duty. The first time I have proof he puts his life on the line every day for his job. It has shaken me.

But now, I have to push it to the back of my mind. I knew what he was getting into when we discussed wether or not he would take the job. I now have a duty as a cops wife. To support and be there for him without question because sometimes he can't tell me what happened. I can't dwell on what might happen. If I did, I would live my entire life in fear.

So, as Scarlett would say, tomorrow is another day. We'll see what it brings.

Update:Now he tells me he might have a slight concussion but that he refused to go to the hospital after the fight. I told him he should have gone, and next time, if he doesn't, i'm going to beat him. Why must men be so macho?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mac's are too better

Monday, August 14, 2006

Caption Contest

Link to original image (http://mika.design.ru/lj/medvedi.jpg)

Ok, I couldn't resist. This image was just to cute. Bring on the captions.

I almost lost it...

I'm one of those people that lets their computer remember their username and passwords. Today my browser decided it didn't want to remember any of those I had saved, including my blogger info.

So I spent a half hour trying to remember it, requesting it from blogger (it never showed up), and finally, finally remembering I actually made this one secure. (Imagine that).

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

All the cool kids are doing it..

Pick the month you were born:

January----I kicked
February---I loved
March------I smoked
April------I dry humped
May--------I choked on
June-------I murdered
July-------I did the Macarena with
August-----I had lunch with
September--I danced with
October----I sang to
November---I yelled at
December---I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on:

1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a Mexican
6-------a gangster
7-------my cell phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10------my neighbor
11------my science teacher
12------a banana
13------a fireman
14------a stuffed animal
15------a goat
16------a pickle
17------your Mom
18------a spoon
20------a baseball bat
21------a ninja
22------Chuck Norris
23------a noodle
24------a squirrel
25------a football player
26------my sister
27------my brother
28------an ipod
29------a permanent marker
30------a llama
31------A homeless guy

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:

White-------because I'm cool like that
Black-------because that's how I roll.
Pink--------because I'm NOT a homosexual.
Red---------because the voices told me to.
Blue--------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green-------because I hate myself.
Purple------because I'm cool.
Gray--------because I was drunk
Yellow------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange------because I hate my family.
Brown-------because I was high.
Other-------because I'm a ninja.
None--------because I cant control myself

Now type out the sentence you made and post it in the comments

Mine was "I dry humped a llama because I'm sexy and I do what I want."

I made a mistake

My mom says the only people not making mistakes are those that aren't doing anything.

*Sigh....It still doesn't make me feel any better.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Gas prices on the rise (again)

BP to shut down Alaska Pipeline

How much more of this ca we take without some kind of action from the government. Sure they say conserve and only travel as much as you have to, but for me that is 125 to 150 miles a day. Because that is what my commute is. Thankfully I have a fuel efficent car, but still its beginning to hurt, a lot.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Its nice to dream...

Even if it does feel like 105 outside in the shade.

Let it Snow!!!

(warning, it can be addictive :) )

He was drunk, get over it

Ok, so Mel Gibson was drunk.

So Mel Gibson opened his big drunk mouth and said some things he shouldn't have and managed to offend a bunch of people.

So what!

Who out there hasn't ever done or said something that they would never have otherwise if it wasn't for going well over their alcohol limit. Not me certainly. I'm the one who ended up throwing up at my bosses birthday party (but I had a blast BTW). I'm not saying I agree with his statement. I don't. But if everyone out there was held accountable for what they said or did when drunk there would be a whole lot of divorcing, breaking up, and firing going on among other things.

So now we are supposed to boycott him and anything he is involved in...can someone tell me why? Does it really mean that I secretly support his drunken statments because I go see one of his films? Do you really think he is going to fall from grace over this? Do you really think in a months time, when some other celebrity had done something as equally stupid takes over the DA of the Day spotlight that anyone will talk about it anymore?

Will anyone actually remember when his next film finally gets to theaters? I say no.

He is human. You are human. Live with it.