Apparently all I've been through over the last few weeks is catching up with me. Today has not been a good day. Reasons:
1. The Depo shot I got last week is messing with my head so I am both really really tired and really really irritable.
2. The reason this is bad is because I hardly ever let my ill side show. I am typically the sweetest most nicest person you could hope to find (don't believe me, ask my friends :P)
3. I just found out the mortgage payment I submitted by Credit Card through Western Union on the 6th of October, was declined by Chase Mortgage!!!! WTF!!! Now its really late, and I have late fees to pay, and they don't have 24/7 customer support!!!!!! I have to stress over this til in the morning.
4. Pretty much I'm sick of everything - work, bills, exhusbands, family, and on and on and on, and not because they have done anything in particular, its just my system has had as much as it can handle.
5. I have no one to hold me while i cry this out of my system (WHICH SUCKS!!!!!!!!)
6. I can't show this at the office because I am a manager and I can't vent about things like this anymore in the workplace (for any co-workers reading this, I will use my Jedi mind tricks to make you forget it)
Well it seems I still have a bit of my sense of humor left.
Bah, I know I'll get over this, but right now I want to rewind 6 months to when I thought my life was normal.
Maybe a good nights sleep will help....if not that then a good drunken stupor.